Updated 02/23/2025
Currently Reading
Below is an incomplete list of some books that I currently have on my shelves, or have owned in the past. Many I’ve read, others I’ve started yet left unfinished 1.
Fallout: The True Story of the CIA’s Secret War on Nuclear Trafficking, Catherine Collins & Douglas Frantz
The Winds of Change…And Other Stories, Isaac Asimov
The Robots of Dawn, Isaac Asimov
I, Asimov: A Memoir, Isaac Asimov
Robots and Empire, Isaac Asimov
Enemies, A Love Story, Isaac Singer
The Stars, Like Dust, Isaac Asimov
The Great SF Stories, Isaac Asimov
Second Foundation, Isaac Asimov
Foundation, Isaac Asimov
The Best of Wednesday Crosswords, Will Shortz
The Shock Doctrine, Naomi Klein
Deception Point, Dan Brown
When the Air Hits Your Brain, Frank T. Vertosick Jr.
The Fabric of the Cosmos, Brian Greene
The Elegant Universe, Brian Greene
From Eternity to Here, Sean Carroll
The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, Richard Feynman
The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James
The King of the Fields, Isaac Bashevis Singer
Dialogues Conerning Natural Religion, David Hume
The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins
The Annotated Turing, Charles Petzold
Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman, Richard Feynman
QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter, Richard Feynman, With A.Zee (Introduction)
The Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins
The Particle at the End of the Universe, Sean Carroll
Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant
On Liberty, John Stuart Mill
Atheism: A Very Short Introduction, Julian Baggini
Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
Your Inner Fish, Neil Shubin
The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat, Oliver Sacks
Awakening, Oliver Sacks
Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan
Musicophilia, Oliver Sacks
Black Holes and Time Warps, Kip Thorne
The Perfect Theory, Pedro G. Ferreira
A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking
Who Owns the Future, Jaron Lanier
You Are Not a Gadget, Jaron Lanier
Plato at the Googleplex, Rebecca Goldstein
Betraying Spinoza, Rebecca Golstein
Letter to a Christian Nation, Sam Harris
The End of Faith, Sam Harris
The Meaning of Human Existence, E.O. Wilson
The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway
The Call of the Wild and Other Stories, Jack London
A History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell
Essays in Skepticism, Bertrand Russell
The Glass Cage, Nicholas Carr
The Shallows, Nicholas Carr
Alone Together, Sherry Turkle
Going to Meet the Man: Stories, James Baldwin
The Alchemy of Air, Thomas Hager
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, Stephen Crane
Death Comes for the Archbishop, Willa Cather
Paris in the Twentieth Century, Jules Verne
The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chbosky
A Friend of Kafka, and Other Stories, Isaac Bashevis Singer
Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
Persuasion, Jane Austin
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, Bill Gates
Girl With Curious Hair, David Foster Wallace
A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again, David Foster Wallace
The Ancestors Tale, Richard Dawkins
Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace
Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid, Douglas R. Hofstadter
I Am a Strange Loop, Douglas R. Hofstadter
The Greatest Show on Earth, Richard Dawkins
How to Prove It: A Structured Approach, Daniel J. Velleman
Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach, Morris Kline
A Book of Abstract Algebra, Charles C. Pinter
Real Analysis: A Long-Form Mathematics Textbook, Jay Cummings
Introduction to Graphy Theory, Richard J. Trudeau
Introductoin to Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Cormen et al
Gravitation, MTW (Misner, Thorne, Wheeler)
General Relativity, Robert M. Wald
The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform the World, David Deutsch
The Fabric of Reality, David Deutsch
The Trial, Franz Kafka
On The Road, Jack Kerouac
The Dharma Bums, Jack Kerouac
The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ideas and Opinions, Albert Einstein
The Naked Sun, Isaac Asimov
Intruder in the Dust, William Faulkner
Forward the Foundation, Isaac Asimov
Foundation’s Edge, Isaac Asimov
Asimov on Physics, Isaac Asimov
Nemesis, Isaac Asimov
The Metamorhosis, Franz Kafka
The Magician’s Nephew, C.S. Lewis
The Sea Wolf, Jack London
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams
The Big Sleep, Raymond Chandler
The Rosie Project, Graeme Simpsion
The Jungle, Upton Sinclair
Common Sense and Other Writings, Thomas Paine
Babbitt, Sinclair Lewis
The Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas
The Federalist Papers, Hamilton, Madison, and Jay
The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell
The Myth of the Framework, Karl Popper
It Can’t Happen Here, Sinclair Lewis
The Martian, Andy Weir
Walden and Other Writings, Henry David Thoreau
The Giver, Lois Lowry
The Things They Carried, O’Brien
The Postmortal, Drew Magary
Love and Other Near Death Experiences, Mil Millington
All The King’s Men, Robert Penn Warren
Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro
The Awakening, Kate Chopin
Catch 22, Joseph Heller
The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck
The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Edmund Morris
The Moral Landscape, Sam Harris
Waking Up, Sam Harris
The Mind’s I, Douglas R. Hofstadter and Daniel C. Dennett
Metamagical Themas, Douglas R. Hofstadter
The Plague, Albert Camus
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea, Daniel C. Dennett
Thinking, Fast and Slow, Daniel Kahneman
The Republic, Plato
The Symposium, Plato
The Stranger, Albert Camus
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain
The Wasteland and Other Poems, T.S. Elliot
Wherever You Go, There You Are, Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness in Plain English, Gunaratana
Breaking the Spell, Daniel C. Dennett
Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut
The Confessions, Saint Augustine
The Divine Comedy, Dante
Holy Bible
The Book of Mormon
Crime and Punishment, Dosteoevsky
The Better Angels of our Nature, Steven Pinker
The Blank Slate, Steven Pinker
The Language Instinct, Steven Pinker
How the Mind Works, Steven Pinker
The Complete Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 2 Volumes
The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer
The Complete Sherklock Holmes, Sir Arthu Conan Doyle
Alan Turing: The Enigma, Andrew Hodges
East of Eden, John Steinbeck
Becoming, Michelle Obama
Guns, Germs, and Steel, Jared Diamond
Collapse, Jared Diamond
A People’s History of The United States, Howard Zinn
Introduction to Real Analysis, Bartle & Sherbert
Vector Analysis, Louis Brand
Advanced Calculus, Wilfred Kaplan
Topology, 2nd Edition, James Munkres
Introduction to Electrodynamics, Griffiths
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Griffiths
Electricity and Magnetism, Purcell
A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations, Daniel Fleisch
Quantum Computing Since Democritus, Scott Aaronson
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Nielsen & Chuang
Introduction to Linear Algebra, Gilbert Strang
Spacetime Physics, Taylor & Wheeler
Basic Training in Mathematics, R. Shankar
Cracking the Coding Interview, Gayle McDowell
Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems
Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur, Tom Lancaster
Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, Richard Feynman
An Introduction to Information Theory, John R. Pierce
Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Michael Sisper
Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity, Sean M. Carroll
A Tour of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup
CompTIA Security+: SY0-601 Certification Guide, 2nd Edition, Ian Neil
This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends: The Cyberweapons Arms Race, Nicole Perlroth. I highly recommend listening to Nicole Perlroth on the Darknet Diaries podcast, EP 98: Zero Day Brokers.
The Cuckoos Egg: Tracking a Spy Through the Maze of Computer Espionage, Cliff Stoll
Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life, Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The United States of Anonymous: How the First Amendment Shaped Online Speech, Jeff Kosseff
The Hardware Hacking Handbook: Breaking Embedded Security with Hardware Attacks
Zero to Production in Rust: An opinionated introduction to backend development
Patrick Collison’s digital bookshelf inspired this page. There, he reference’s Umberto Eco’s theory of the library. ↩︎