About Me

I use this space to explore ideas, solve problems, and share information. Here are some of my interests:

  • Programming, hardware, creating, building.
  • Physics & mathematics, namely differential geometry.
  • Popperian and Deutschian epistemology, and, more generally, the growth of knowledge:
  • Photography

How To Contact Me

Email — web@garcia.casa

GitHub — iamgreggarcia

Tor Onion Service

You can access a mirror of my website at the following Tor Onion service1:




5C5D 064A A14F FB8E F4A1 DEE4 2367 E4D8 6B9E 740F

Full PGP key can be found here.

Verified Identities via PGP

Verification of my GitHub profile and this DNS domain — all signed via PGP — can be viewed at keyoxide.

  1. Be sure to securely download Tor Browser: https://www.torproject.org/ ↩︎